Small rope diameters in rope technology

A practical insight into the development history of various systems with devices on site for direct comparison.

Workshop leaders: Kai Langer / GEARS GmbH and Thomas Wahls / T23 Veranstaltungsdienste 

Friday 11/22/2024
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Hall B5, DEMO + TEST AREA, Trussing

A practical insight into the development history of various systems with devices on site for direct comparison.
Systems with small rope diameters are ideal in areas where low weight and volume are essential.
So far, these have been self-rescue or team-based rescue from great heights.
A look into the future with ever taller structures makes these advantages interesting for rope access work as well.
There are currently a few catches in all areas:
- In the area of self-rescue, the devices are often only authorised for single use
- In the area of mountain rescue and rope access technology, there is (still) no corresponding standard for devices and corresponding ropes
The workshop is intended to provide an impulse by making the possibilities tangible in a bundled way.

Registration is not necessary, the number of participants is limited to twelve.
The workshop leaders Kai Langer / GEARS GmbH and Thomas Wahls / T23 Veranstaltungsdienste are looking forward to a lively exchange.

This event takes place on the following dates:

11/22/2024, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Hall B5, DEMO + TEST AREA, Trussing Trussing
11/23/2024, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Hall B5, DEMO + TEST AREA, Trussing

Workshop, Industrial climbing, Demo + Test Area

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