Maritime marble: an adventure between waves and climbing

In ‘Maritime Marble’, the two route setters Alexandra Schweikart and Christopher Igel take you with them on their journey to the Greek island of Anáfi, in the heart of the Aegean Sea. Together with Captain Florian, they sail on the boat ‘Merlin’ with the plan to open up a new climbing route on the 500 metre high marble wall of Mt Kálamos. 

Saturday 11/23/2024
3:45 pm - 4:15 pm
Foyer East, Stage

Despite falling rocks, seasickness and a lost anchor, they master difficult pitches and put their skills to good use on the island's impressive south face.

The film captures the fascination of the first ascent and shows how friendship and humour overcome the challenges of an expedition.

Presentation, Climbing & bouldering

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